Binance vs Coinbase – Comparison at a Glance

To represent the data of Binance vs Coinbase comparison as accurately as possible, we have divided our thorough fact-based analysis results into 8 different categories. For an instant Binance vs Coinbase main metric comparison at a glance, take a look at the general overview table below.

Binance vs Coinbase cryptocurrency exchange overall score comparison reveals that Binance has a higher overall score of 9.8, while Coinbase gathered an overall score of 9.6. If we look at the ease of use, it’s clear that in this Binance vs Coinbase comparison, Binance has better & smoother user experience than Coinbase.

Binance vs Coinbase In-depth Feature Breakdown Comparison

Analyze all the most important metrics of your chosen cryptocurrency exchange brands & compare the fact-checked data side by side with his extensive Binance vs Coinbase comparison chart. Simply browse the information below & get answers to all of your crypto exchange questions!

Binance vs Coinbase Comparison Result Analysis

Value for money is one of the most important metrics that one should take into account while comparing cryptocurrency exchanges, as it shows whether the brand offers acceptable quality compared to the price. In this case, Binance has a higher value for money score than Coinbase.

It’s also very useful to look at the number of active users. Clearly, if comparing Binance vs Coinbase, the bigger active user base is gathered by Binance with around 13.5M users. Whereas Coinbase has around 13.3M active users. If we look at the cryptocurrencies that are accepted by these exchanges, we can see that Binance has a higher number of acceptable crypto than Coinbase.

It’s also important to do a thorough cryptocurrency exchange fee comparison. Analysing this metric in this Binance vs Coinbase comparison, it’s clear that Binance has the lowest trading fee percentage of 0.10%, while the second place goes to Coinbase with a fee of Up to 3.99%.