Home Currencies Ava AI


-3.58% (24H)
Low $0.16
High $0.24
  • Market Cap $217.06 M
  • Volume $178.11 M
  • Available Supply 999.95 M AVA
  • ATH $0.33
  • ATH(% Change) -34.13%

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Ava AI (AVA) price today, AVA To USD Live Price, Trading Volume, Market Cap and real-time charts against USD.

Ava is the first AI Agent to be built on HoloworldAI.$AVA was initially launched by the community after Holoworld welcomed to the world, AVA the Holo AI intern. Since then, it has grown tremendously into a vibrant community.As Holoworld progresses, @AVA_holo will be the primary AI agent IP for showcasing Holoworlds latest developments. From on-chain experiments to unreleased AI agent features, they will lean on Ava to demonstrate our vision and gather feedback from our community.

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