Home Currencies Collab.Land


4.61% (24H)
Low $0.0004898
High $0.001052
  • Market Cap $129,459
  • Volume $55
  • ATH $0.47
  • ATH(% Change) -99.89%

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Collab.Land (COLLAB) price today, COLLAB To USD Live Price, Trading Volume, Market Cap and real-time charts against USD.

What is the Collab.Land token?COLLAB token is primarily for governance and use within the Collab.Land ecosystem. Decentralization is one of our core values, and today we open the gates of community stewardship to you. If you choose to join us, we will govern together as the Collab.Land DAO. We will vote on feature requests, offer bounties, curate the Marketplace, and more.The token claim will begin on February 23, 2023 on wagmi.collab.land.

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