Home Currencies MongCoin


-1.62% (24H)
Low $0.000000006708
High $0.000000006930
  • Market Cap $4.66 M
  • Volume $1.51 M
  • Available Supply 690,000.00 B MONG
  • ATH $0.0000003578
  • ATH(% Change) -98.11%

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MongCoin (MONG) price today, MONG To USD Live Price, Trading Volume, Market Cap and real-time charts against USD.

What is the project about?Mong Coin is a memecoin launched on Ethereum. The cryptocurrency is an ode to a meme and movement born out of the incoherent ramblings of a US congressman.What makes your project unique?Mongs are immortal, surviving both rugs, and bear markets. They value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes.History of your project.On December 8th 2021, congressperson Brad Sherman stated,"The number one threat to cryptocurrency is crypto. Bitcoin could be displaced by Ether, which could be displaced by Doge which could be displaced by HamsterCoin and then there's CobraCoin what could MongooseCoin do to CryptoCoin?"The Mongoose movement was born.What’s next for your project?Mong Coin looks to bring back the culture and vibe surrounding the MongooseCoin meme.What can your token be used for?$MONG is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. The coin is entirely useless and for entertainment purposes only.

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