Home Currencies Morphware


2.62% (24H)
Low $0.09209
High $0.10
  • Market Cap $74.40 M
  • Volume $534,136
  • Available Supply 780.58 M XMW
  • ATH $0.20
  • ATH(% Change) -51.31%

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Morphware (XMW) price today, XMW To USD Live Price, Trading Volume, Market Cap and real-time charts against USD.

Morphware is currently the most interesting project at the intersection of AI and Web3 because of its unique focus on constructing a superpeer.  Superpeers are a core component of bootstrapping peer-to-peer networks, and in Morphware’s case: that means having access to an abundance of affordable electricity as 65-90% of the costs of both high-performance computing and cryptocurrency mining workloads are related directly to the price of electricity.The project was founded as a protocol by a team of professional data scientists, smart contract engineers, and full-stack developers in 2021.

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