Home Currencies Omax


-0.03% (24H)
Low $0.0004959
High $0.0004997
  • Market Cap $4.49 M
  • Volume $440,902
  • Available Supply 9.00 B OMAX
  • ATH $0.06019
  • ATH(% Change) -99.17%

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Omax (OMAX) price today, OMAX To USD Live Price, Trading Volume, Market Cap and real-time charts against USD.

What Is OMAX TOKEN (OMAX)?OMAX is a community-driven token which was launched on 3rd of November 2021 in binance network with theintention to have its own blockchain to educate the nextgeneration of investors and make crypto simple and safe for everyone.OMAX is one of the fastest growing projects which ismoving from BEP20 to their own network (blockchainOMX20) which is also a EVM compatible. It is way ahead of the roadmaps and the blockchain is already on testnet and open for public testing with 67K TPS with estimated 85K+TPS on mainnet. Omax testnet was launched on 3rd of April 2022. OMAX mainnet is scheduled to launch by the end ofJuly 2022.It further plans to launch a marketing campaign on Twitterto raise awareness and reach 100,000 holders. That willlikely go hand in hand with launching of their blockchain.OMAX was advertised in Times square NY and famouscelebrities promoted across the globe. Promotion videoscan be found in the social media.What Makes OMAX Unique?In contrast to many other coins, OMAX promises to feature a complete ecosystem that gives its token real value. Itsblockchain, Ecommerce integration, Crypto card.By integrating the Blockchain into popular e-commerce and shopping cart platforms, OMAX aim to grant users theability to easily complete their everyday purchases usingtheir crypto currency balances.OMAX is headquartered in DUBAI, UAE because of itsfriendly crypto law. The developers are from Australia and United Kingdom. They have a plan to launch the OMAXexchange in early 2023.How Many OMAX Tokens (OMAX) are there in Circulation?OMAX has a total supply of 10 billion tokens. 4% of that was already burned. In addition, OMAX follows the patentedapproach of deflationary tokens by burning 4% of eachtoken at a BUY&SELL transaction. Doing that, the teamwants to constantly shrink the existing token supply andincrease the value of OMAX.How Is the OMAX (OMX 20) Network secured?OMAX Chain relies on a system of PoS consensus that can support short block time and lower fees. The most bonded validator candidates of staking will become validators andproduce blocks. The double sign detection and otherslashing logic guarantee security, stability, and chainfinality. The OMAX Chain also supports EVM-compatiblesmart contracts and protocols. This is the native and onlyusable currency in the OMAX ecosystem.

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