Home Currencies ThetaDrop


-0.86% (24H)
Low $0.002168
High $0.002233
  • Market Cap $23.96 M
  • Volume $45,031
  • Available Supply 11.05 B TDROP
  • ATH $0.06109
  • ATH(% Change) -96.45%

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ThetaDrop (TDROP) price today, TDROP To USD Live Price, Trading Volume, Market Cap and real-time charts against USD.

TDROP rewards activity on the ThetaDrop NFT Marketplace, provides decentralized governance for ThetaDrop, and rewards stakers with TDROP token rewards. It is a new TNT-20 token built on Theta blockchain, centered around the groundbreaking concept of NFT Liquidity Mining. TDROP tokens are earned by users each time they make a purchase using TFUEL on ThetaDrop (on the secondary market at launch, and on the primary market / initial drops in a coming update), or through a 3rd-party NFT Dapp built on the NFT marketplace smart contract. It can be thought of as ‘mining’ TDROP by providing liquidity to the Theta NFT Marketplace. This incentivizes early adopters of ThetaDrop to provide liquidity which enhances price discovery, improves trading volumes, and drives more user growth and adoption. ThetaDrop users who hold a balance of TDROP will earn VIP benefits including early or exclusive access to NFTs, limited edition packs, unique offline perks and more.TDROP will also serve as the governance token for ThetaDrop and the NFT Marketplace. TDROP holders can stake their tokens to gain voting rights for proposed changes to ThetaDrop. The first TDROP vote proposal is expected to be the earning rate of TDROP for liquidity miners. As the voting process progresses and stabilizes, TDROP holders will be responsible for creating new proposals to be voted on. These community proposals will also serve as the testbed for community governance features to be implemented on the Theta blockchain itself, to be voted on by holders of the Theta token.

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