Published On: November 16, 2021

The 21 Bitcoin Computer isn’t considered as a Bitcoin miner, however, it plugins to your computer via USB. In terms of $/hash rate, it’s not a very good choice.

Having to use this option is not as popular as such since Bitcoin was only profitable in the early years before the competition has risen over the years. Investing in hardcore hardware or buying bitcoins is more suitable.

First, I doubt, for a fact, that this machine will return back the investments spend on the initial cost and running expenditure. Second, it is not the answer in which we are looking for to invest in to earn big bucks but rather earn enough just to support the network but all the more, it is an interesting concept. To those users who have lack of knowledge in the usage and setup, there are clear tutorials that are taught in order for the users to know how to use the device, especially to those users who have zero experience in coding.

What is the Best USB Miner?

USB miners have lost relevance as they aren’t profitable anymore. You can opt for a could mining option like Hashing24, it’s easy to get started and they have miners which are profitable.

Are USB Miners Worth it?

USB Miners aren’t worth it anymore, their profitability has dropped over time due to the difficulty in mining. This has made USB miners irrelevant and are no longer used by anyone who wants to profit from mining bitcoins and other altcoins.