Published On: January 6, 2024

The VoskCoin Bitcoin Mining Farm just hit 2 PH/s! What miners are we running, how much are they earning, and how much does our electric bill cost?

The Bitcoin side of the VoskCoin Mining Farm just hit 2PH/s! Let’s check out what Bitcoin Miners we’re running, how much they’re earning, how much electricity they’re using, what our electric bill looks like, and what’s next for the Bitcoin Mining Farm!

We’ve also made some recent updates on the farm, including the deployment of our DCX and FogHashing Immersion Mining deployments.


⏰ Timestamps ⏰

00:00 My Bitcoin Mining Farm is over 2 PH/s
01:00 Bitcoin miners are taking over Voskcoin HQ
04:48 Update on the Digital Shovel MiniPod
06:01 Update on the Immersion Shed
10:50 Update on Hard Drive Mining Shed
12:10 Why I mine with Braiins
14:37 How much do I earn mining Bitcoin?
15:25 What Bitcoin miners do I have running?
18:25 How much does my electric bill cost?
21:07 My future plans for the mining farm
21:58 Why I chose efficiency over hashrate?
26:03 S21 is coming, that should mean better prices for old hardware!
27:03 This year was full of fine-tuning and testing