Published On: October 27, 2021

To receive crypto assets on Ledger Nano X, you first need to make sure that you have Ledger Live together with a created account as well as the needed app. For example, if you want to receive Ethereum, you need to install the Ethereum app. After it’s done, follow these steps:

Step 1: Press the Transact tab that you can find at the bottom of the app.

Step 2Tap “Receive”.

Step 3: Choose the account to use.

Step 4: Confirm that the address that’s shown in Ledger Live matches the one that you can see on the device.

Step 5Copy the address and share it with a person that will send you funds.

Even though we already figured out is Ledger Nano X wallet safe, you should still be careful and make sure that the address you share with other people is the same as it was provided initially.