Published On: May 1, 2024

If you are investing in the cryptocurrency market, chances are that you’ve heard the phrase “We’re all gonna make it.” (WAGMI) That the people who are currently investing in crypto are the early adopters and will be able to eventually reach the promised land. That crypto will cause the largest transfer of wealth the world has seen, and we’ll be a part of it. But have you ever stopped to think about what it will take for that to actually happen?

It’s great to have a dream, but without a plan, that dream is likely to never come true. Here are the signs that you are well on your path toward actually “making it” in crypto.

Obsessed With Crypto

Being obsessed with crypto is a double-edged sword. It can be your greatest weakness or your greatest strength. In this scenario, it’s our strength. When you are obsessed with crypto, you’re life is consumed by it. At all moments of the day; eating, breathing, and sleeping; it is in your thoughts.

This has caused you to go on a never-ending journey to learn as much as you possibly can. Researching on the internet, reading books, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube videos and the list goes on. You might have even begun to be interested in macro events around the world. Knowledge truly is power, and that will help to unlock your path to being successful in this industry.

Getting Involved in the Market

Once you have truly fallen down the rabbit hole of crypto, you will find yourself wanting to get involved in any way possible. For some that might mean joining and participating in crypto social channels. Others, might start writing about crypto, or even start their own YouTube channel. And for others, it might mean that you even begin working in the industry and earn a living via crypto.

If you have made the commitment to join the industry in one form or another, that likely means that you will be here for the long term. The longer you are in the crypto market, the greater the chance you will find success.

There is a famous way of thinking in the crypto industry about how long it takes to become successful with constant investing. You can make great gains during your first full cycle. You can become rich during your second cycle. And you can become wealthy during your third cycle.

Crypto Has Changed Your Life in Ways You Couldn’t Imagine

While most of us invest in crypto for potential financial gains. Many of us are surprised by how it can change our lives in different ways. The longer you are in the market, the greater your financial literacy usually becomes. Not only that, but you become much more skilled at budgeting and managing your finances. You also become much more restrained in your spending. Realizing that most of the things that you’re spending money on are simply your wants and not your needs. You also begin to look forward to investing, and dread using money on anything but something that is going toward your future.

At the end of the day, the crypto market is giving you life skills that will allow you to become successful even if crypto would eventually goes to zero. That already is an advantage over most of our peers.

Becoming an Entrepreneur & Motivated for More

The longer you are in the crypto market, the more likely you will develop an entrepreneur-like personality. Perhaps you will begin selling things around the house to invest more in Bitcoin and Ethereum. You might even consider ways that you can earn even more money via cryptocurrency. Earning a passive income will become a passion of yours.

Staking, mining, earning interest, and airdrop hunting will quickly become part of your core strategy to accumulate even more. You may even consider starting your own business. You will develop a hunger to do whatever it takes to become successful and reach your goals. Because this industry is your greatest passion, it won’t even seem like work, but more of a hobby.

These were just a few of the traits that could be great signs that you will eventually become successful in crypto. If you want it enough, have enough patience, invest responsibly, and are willing to work hard. You can make all of your dreams come true in this industry.

How about you? What do you think it takes to become successful in crypto?