Home Currencies Lemonschain


12.79% (24H)
Low $0.04534
High $0.05211
  • Market Cap $6.49 M
  • Volume $142,019
  • Available Supply 127.00 M LCT
  • ATH $0.37
  • ATH(% Change) -86.01%

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Lemonschain (LCT) price today, LCT To USD Live Price, Trading Volume, Market Cap and real-time charts against USD.

Lemonschain is a pioneering blockchain platform designed to bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds by tokenizing real-world assets, such as real estate and agricultural products. By transforming traditionally illiquid assets into easily tradable digital tokens, LemonsChain democratizes access to investment opportunities that were previously reserved for institutional or high-net-worth investors.

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