Published On: August 28, 2023

Everyone has been asking me why I spent $25,000, or nearly an entire Bitcoin, building a dedicated Amish shed for Hard Drive Mining. Instead of just putting these HDD mining rigs in my house to earn passive income mining from my house, I want to explain the VoskCoin HDD mining strategy today.

Not everyone will understand why I spent so much money to build out a new piece of my passive income business. I hope mining works out for me and the VoskCoin HDD mining shed. This shed is essentially a DIY data center with heating, but more importantly, cooling to run expensive hard drives for mining for years. I’ll be specifically farming the Chia (XCH) cryptocurrency. However, I also plan to deploy my own servers, build more DIY Chia farmers, Evergreen Miners, and Jusey Miners. Anyway, here’s my thought process and strategy behind building this new piece of the VoskCoin Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency mining farm.


⏰ Timestamps ⏰

00:00 Why did I buy an HDD mining shed?
01:11 My strategy towards crypto mining & my farm
03:50 Hard drive mining, cooling & electricity
05:33 What do you mine with HDDs?
07:40 How will electricity work for my HDD shed?
10:14 Why HVAC to cool my HDD shed?
11:08 How much did this all cost me?
13:19 Is this deployment profitable?
15:55 Will this HDD mining shed be worth it?


1) Can We FIX The BROKEN VoskCoin Bitcoin Crypto Mining Farm?

2) My Shed for Hard Drive Mining is HERE!

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